Sunday, September 10, 2006



Zhang Yimou uses many angles and shots in the ‘House of Flying Daggers’ but above all he likes to take advantage of ‘close-up’ shots. To signify the love between Mei and Jin and the love that Leo has for Mei, Yimou decides to show the intimate movement of hands meeting and touching. During one of the main fighting sequels in the bamboo forest, the main colour on screen is green. This connotes the build-up on envy and jealousy that the fighters have enraged; either for between the two alliances or the lovers. At this point the non-diegetic music is speedy and adopts instruments from the Chinese culture. The beats of the drums become deeper to intensify an action and this is complimented by the fast-action shots and angles. However as we approach the ending combat, there is significance in the weather change and this connotes the duration that Jin and Leo have been battling for. Furthermore, this could
also portray the upcoming tragedy as the weather dramatically turns from a bright spring day to a blizzard. As this is the most important battle, there are various slow motion and close-up shots, especially concentrating on ones facial expressions to convey the heartbreak. The music saddens at these points to exaggerate the action and also to give the ‘love-story’ authenticity.


The film is produced by ‘Sony Pictures Classics’ and this influences the audiences that will go see it as they expect to see a high-budget classy movie. It produces, acquires and distributes independent films from America and around the world. Michael Barker, Tom Bernard, and Marcie Bloom are the co-Presidents of Sony Pictures Classics an autonomous company of Sony Pictures Entertainment founded in January 1992.


The ‘House of Flying Daggers’ can not be specifically categorised to one genre, as there is a mixture of stories being told. The movie is action, adventure, love and fantasy. This
is similar to other texts directed by hang Yimou, such as Hero, as this move contains elements of action, adventure and drama. In the ‘House of Flying Daggers’, there are many intimate moments where the protagonists reveal their feelings for one another by either holding hands or even kissing. However, the iconographic images of the swords, daggers and even shots of blood reveal the action and adventure side to the film.


Throughout the movie, middle class Chinese men and women are being represented in a quite deceitful, yet very active role. Women are shown in glamorous brothels which show them to be a fantastical place. They are portrayed as honorary, reliable and people who take
much pride in their culture. Their clothes symbolise their wealth and music represents harmony. However, there are obvious signs of a corrupt government and therefore makes you question whether they are peaceful or violent people. Yimou may have wanted to represent them in this way to show how they in some ways differ from the rest of the world when it comes to their fighting techniques but also show similarities in the way their political system works. This representation could be fair and accurate but most certainly is exaggerated in some ways, for example, does every Chinese/Japanese person know how to fight?


As the movie has Chinese/Japanese people being presented you can infer that the audience will also be this Asian audience, middle class males and females, possibly around the ages of 15-30ish. However due to ‘Sony Pictures Classics’ producing the movie, you know the film will be screening in western cinemas. This will therefore promote the film to a western audience, increasing the audience to the film enormously. You can assume from this that the film will possibly be a success as ‘Sony’ is a wealthy company with a reputation to withhold
. The fact that film is a Asian film, audience will probably expect to see something unique and spectacular, the trailers promote the movie as action-packed with a love story. Audiences will see this movie as having a bit of everything making it overall very entertaining.

V/I –

The major values and ideologies of the text is the dominance of women and their growing power.
However, the movie does not fail to recognize the corrupt government and policing and in some ways the mistreating of women in China. From this you can assume that their may be alot of devaint behaviour in China.


The movie starts off with a brief summary of what has been happening in China and the unrest. As we being, men are shown as the police officers whereas women are dancers in a brothel. They look inferior to the men. However, when Mei is asked to perform the first dance, her elegance overshadows her wit and ability to fight, however this is soon exposed as the story continues. The audiences are constantly surprised as the story unravels revealed the true identities of the characters. Heroes are villains are created not through the action but through the love that characters have for one another. If two characters are not allowed to love in peace because of another, that person automatically becomes the villain. Throughout the story, the music never fails to compliment the events, nor the setting and surroundings. China is portrayed as a beautiful country, embedded with trees and
streams of lakes.



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